Saturday, May 19, 2007

a mile in your shoes

A few weeks ago at TNT, we were asked to look at a pair of shoes and write a story about it and the person it belonged to. This is the story I came up with.

pink flip flops

Her faithful flip flops . They had cost less than any other pair of shoes she owned, yet they had seen and done more than all the others combined. Faded and worn, these shoes had seen the beaches of the Caribbean, the sands of Lake Tahoe, and the beach-front sidewalks of southern California. They had been with her through friendships, moves, and graduations. They were worn on the day she moved away from her hometown, when she saw her first ocean sunset, when she received her first kiss. Though her friends often made fun of her for keeping the old shoes, she felt a bond to them, as if they were the tie to her past, present, and future.

Monday, May 7, 2007

can a movie really change your life?

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