Tuesday, July 10, 2012

sharing the blog love

Most of you read my blog via facebook notes...so I don't see a lot of comments on the actual blog.

You may have noticed that I gave the blog a makeover. You'll see in the next post (coming soon) why! In doing so, I have realized that I am a bit behind in the blog-o-sphere and am in the process of catching up. What's summer vacation for, if not for a little bit of catch-up?! I would love to connect with others who are living overseas, especially elsewhere in the pacific. I have loved blogging about our adventures in Japan and want to hear about the adventures others are having as well. I signed up for a few blogging networking sites in order to find those people - and hopefully have some of them find me! If you're on bloglovin (or any other blog networking sites that you recommend) let me know! I'd love to connect with you. :)

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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