Thursday, September 6, 2012

thankful thursdays - sunsets galore

I feel like I should call this "the week of the sunsets." I'm not sure if we just had spectacular sunsets this week or if they just spoke to me more than they usually do. Seeing them this past few days has helped bring me back out of the stress of the first weeks of school and back into a place of calm wonder.

School is going well. There is always chaos during the first few weeks as we struggle to instill those rules and routines with students who are coming back fresh from summer break. There are always meetings and fire drills, orientations and open houses. Usually the end of the second week is when I start breathing again, so I am happy to have made it this far without too many headaches!

56. The sky was a gorgeous orange-purple after my evening grocery shopping trip!

57: A hubby who will make a yummy dinner so I don't have to cook after a long day at work 

58. Beautiful views on the way home from work.

59. Amazing timing. I spotted this gorgeous site out the window as the epic Doctor Who (11th Doctor's song) music came on.

60. Boots: A sign of autumn soon-to-come!!

61. New pens for a new year!! ♥

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