Tuesday, May 21, 2013

spring love

Spring has a way of bringing out the love in people! So I thought I'd take part in another "What I'm Loving Wednesday!"

I'm loving the spring colors! The sakura are just about gone, but in their wake, all the grass has turned green, the tulips are blooming, and the sun has finally come out!

I'm loving this song/video by Sara Bareilles. It just makes me feel good about humans in general.

I'm loving karaoke! We've gone several times in the last few months with a few different groups of people, and LOVE the way it's done here in Japan.

I'm loving all the great show finales (though I'm SO bummed The Office is over) and the movies we've gotten to see in the theater recently... Gatsby, Iron Man 3 (and Star Trek, next week!)

I'm loving PlanbookEdu! I have used them for a few years now, and the online planbook has made life SO much easier, especially if I have to have a last-minute sub (which happened far too frequently this year). I won a free year subscription!

And last for today, I'm loving working with some great co-workers. The silly pranks, friendship, and camaraderie make work a better place!


  1. Yes! I'm living that spring is here. The colors, the warmer weather, the tulips, the blooms. I love it all.

  2. Karoke = AMAZING, and you're right, the spring/early summer colors are blowin' me out of the water this year. Or more like pushing me into the water, 'cuz Texas has been hot!

    Happy Wednesday!

  3. ya for awesome co-workers! it makes the days go by faster!
    trish @ tales from ...
