Thursday, May 16, 2013

thankful thursdays - being real

This month has been one of rejuvenation and what feels like coming back to life. After having spent the past several months (and years, if we're being honest) not feeling well, I finally am starting to feel like me again.

I have energy again.

I haven't cried about something stupid in more than 48 hours (don't think that's happened in about a year.)

I haven't had a panic attack in weeks. Or a migraine. Or the other 20-30 symptoms I had been having almost daily before cutting out gluten and corn.

It's been such a relief, physically and emotionally. I feel like I'm taking all these steps in the right direction! I joined an online support group that is full of women who are going through the same thing. It's been wonderful to share our stories, swap recipes, get advice, and to know that we are not alone. I don't have a picture to share for confidentiality purposes, but this group of ladies has been at the top of my thankful list all month!

I also talked with my small group at the church - we talked about depression and faith and how hard it is to feel joy during the hard times. I shared this project with them and realized that I haven't been as consistent over the last few months as I was when I first started out.

So I have written this blog as a re-dedication to finishing my One Thousand Gifts Project.

86. The tears of joy and sadness with my small group. Talk about amazing women...

87. The color pink that surrounds us after so many months of plain white.

88. Daily strolls through the park.

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